

Here are the big updates in my life:

-I got a new cell phone. No, not a new number. Just a new phone.

-I am working on a life-plan map chart.

-Brad came to visit last weekend and we had a great time. We played tennis, went to a Giants' game, laughed, went to Zeitgeist, saw a movie, went to the Secret Beach (where, accidentally, there were about 100 naked gay men lying around with their asses sticking up in the air. Sorry, Brad!), laughed, drank bloody marys.

-I am obsessed with tennis.

-Mohommed has almost got his vowels down pat.

-Spring lacrosse coaching is done.

-I changed my sheets to spring linens.

-Zacarias Moussaoui got a life sentence and oil prices continue to skyrocket.

Here are other miscellaneous things:

-This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my entire life.

Ok, it was just one.

Sorry I haven't blogged as much lately!

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