
misc. wednesday

Hello somewhat-faithful blog readers! Hope everyone is doing well this fine August day! It's hot as whatever outside here in DC but you know me-I try to keep cool. Well, I actually have some thoughts this week. Of course there is no real consistency between them (summer does that. sunshine=less pensive=jumbled thinking) and so here's another round of miscellaneous wednesday!

-Once you've run 14 miles, suddenly running 8 seems like a walk in the park. This was the farthest I've ran to date!

-I know it's a tad late, but I think that the Bud Lite "Real Men of Genius" commercials are one of the top 5 advertising ideas of all time. My favorite: Mr. 80-SPF Sunblock Wearer ('don't forget the moonlight')

-Is there really a difference between simile and metaphor? I don't think there is. Isn't the "like" or "as" simply implied with metaphor?

-Another quote from my Uncle Thomas, which I forgot to put on that post is: "If you don't want to pull yourself out of the toilet, go ahead and flush yourself on down."
I think this could be applied to: welfare reform and the current Washington Nationals.

-I'd like to congratulate the following peeps in certain life milestones (that I know of!!):
--Katie Slocum: got a sweet teaching job at a private school in Fredericksburg, VA
--Brad Decker: was promoted to G-11, Step 2
--Erica Schulze, Allie Kochert, Marygrace Tilman: celebrated one-year anniversaries this summer
--Molly Nichols: got a sweet teaching job at a magnet school in Denver
--Sarah Schilling: entering grad school at Emerson
--Dan Vaughn: getting new apartment
--Doug Weck: full-ride to UPenn for JD/PhD
--Karen Weidert: deciding to move to Bay Area (with me!)
--Stacy Bond: quit KQED to pursue life dream, AudioLuxe
--Molly Harris: after years of penning legislation, finally got millions of dollars in appropriations for Wisconsin's roads in last week's Transportation Bill
--You: reading this blog

-Rahzel is one of the most talented vocalists who has ever lived.

-Marijuana greatly, GREATLY enhances watching The Transformers.
That is, if it is actually possible to enhance watching The Transformers.

-Communication=transmission + reception.

-A frisbee can hold more than 40 oz. of beer.

-I hate to comment on this 'publicly', but it's on my mind at least once a day, no jokesies:
I'll admit that I'm not the best one at taking hints. I don't like to assume what someone else is thinking and like the same done for me, which is why maybe I'm not the most tactful person you've ever met. You know? As such, I'll keep it brief.
I *think* that I have recently lost a friendship that was very dear to me. There's a combination of things that come into play here for me. One is that I'm accustomed to making and keeping friends, not losing them. Secondly, I really care about this friend and it will be weird and it is sad to me that it is possibly gone.
Another is that I really thought our friendship and relationship (i.e., what we've contributed to one another's lives, etc.) was important enough and strong enough to take anything thrown at it. Even if I might have done the throwing. (Did I??)
But I mean, come on. I'm a girl. My throw can't be that good.

-"Big wheels keep on turning and the Proud Mary keeps on burning. And I'm rolling on the river."

1 comment:

allie said...

i say go for the metaphor. b/c i swear, no fail, i read "smile" every time i see "similie". lets end the misreads!
and here's to your milestone upcoming--kick ass on the marathon!!!!